thought on the world running round

Timur Tatarshaov

You know what is funny. From time to time I stumble on some presentations or publications saying e.g.:

  • This new machine can automate work of the people, so we can run production of 100 thousand bottles per day with 12 men involved in a process
  • This new program simplify the work, so it would take less human resources to finish same project

And then:

  • Unemployment rate in country France reached 10%, 2 bn. of euros sent from the economy to support unemployment sector
  • People have no work and no money to cover their expenses in region X

So I asked myself a question: what really money is and what are they for? Why logical aiming to automate human work is in contradiction with happiness of the people?

Answer for me is the following: World is constantly evolving(at least on observable past and present), state of it changes. And if automatic machine does the work, that water lifter was payed for in past, that means comfort of the people of the current state of the world is higher. And we are ready to develop the new one. So the one, who is on the trend of the current world needs is payed for it.

So hello Lewis Carroll and Alice in the Wonderland(to be honest I never seen something more than fairy tail in this book so far): “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

Progress is restrained by generations that made their work, used to the things, and want to live their lives in peace without being in need to change their habits and learn things in a new way.

That’s why we have some periods of decades, between significant changes in many areas and it’s fine.

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© Timur Tatarshaov March 2022